The Growing Importance of IoT and IIoT

The Growing Importance of IoT and IIoT
The Internet of Things – and the Industrial Internet of Things – promise significant changes and improvements for asset management and joint use in the years ahead The information technology revolution is altering the way we communicate with each another, conduct business, ...

Machine-to-Machine Communication and Network Asset Management

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to gain momentum, more and more assets will be connected in the field. Advances in ...

Winning Strategies (Part 2): How Pole Owners Can Generate Revenue

This post is the second in a two-part blog series that explores the potential for joint use field assets to become ...

Winning Strategies (Part 1): How Pole Owners Can Generate Revenue

In the past, when companies were regulated entities, they could operate under a cost-plus business model that allowed them ...

Tall Trees & Sagging Wires: Significant Risks of Unmanaged Vegetation

On a sweltering summer afternoon in August of 2003, 21 North American power plants suddenly crashed offline, leaving 50 ...