How is Double Wood a Double Headache? Let Us Count the Ways

How is Double Wood a Double Headache? Let Us Count the Ways
While many unexpected issues can be discovered during utility pole inspections, among the most common is double wood. For whatever reason—incomplete pole transfers, where you have two poles where there should only be one, is not a problem you need on your mounting to-do ...

How Managed Services Bring the Two Halves of Joint Use Together

Joint use is, by nature, a bit of a fractured business: it has two distinct sides to its story. On one hand, you have ...

Why Moving On (Changing Poles) is Hard to Do – For Attachers

You may have heard the anecdote that moving—picking up your belongings, removing them from one location and depositing them ...

A Joint Use Inquiry: To In-House or Outsource?

As business-critical decisions go, when the work gets heavy and resources get thin, this question is often heard: Should we ...

Bad Poles: Do You Own Them & What is Your Liability?

If the term "bad poles" sounds ominous, that is because it is—at least in terms of your organization’s appetite for risk. No ...