In order for joint use partners, your attachers, to transfer their equipment from the old pole to the new, they each need to be notified via a Transfer Notice. It may sound like an obvious and simple step in the process with little potential for problems, but it has its own complications. First, in order for all joint use partners to be properly notified, the pole owner must have an accurate account of all companies that are attached to the pole. Asset inventory data must be up-to-date. Additionally, the joint use partners need not only to be notified of the fact that they must transfer their equipment, but when to transfer their equipment. Generally, the power equipment at the top of a pole is transferred first, followed by equipment below it, and then below that, so companies must be notified to begin their transfer..
Utility pole owners are well-advised to monitor the entire transfer process for many reasons. First, pole owners need to know when each company has completed transferring their equipment (and make sure all entities on the pole received the notice to transfer equipment). Additionally, there may be legal time parameters regulating the transfer process. Monitoring work status per pole per job allows pole owners to ensure they and their attachers are complying with such parameters in order to avoid fines and penalties associated with violations.
When all entities on a utility pole have transferred equipment to the new pole, the old pole must be removed, and it too should be removed in a timely manner in order to avoid penalties and unsightly and even potential dangerous, double poles.
Online joint use management systems, with easy access to pole attachment records, visibility to active pole transfers, and web-based communication channels, will enable your company to efficiently facilitate pole transfers and avoid all of these pitfalls.