Blog Category: Pole Transfers (2)

How is Double Wood a Double Headache? Let Us Count the Ways

While many unexpected issues can be discovered during utility pole inspections, among the most common is double wood. For ...

The Resource Contention Conundrum: Productivity Hacks for Joint Use

In the world of joint use management, there is always another task on your to-do list. If it is not requests to attach, it ...

A Joint Use Recipe: Backlog Buffet

As fall’s crisp days begin in most places in the U.S. and the celebratory among us start thinking about overstuffed birds, ...

How Do Bad Backlogs Happen to Good Companies?

Backlogs – a buildup of overdue and incomplete joint use and other work requests – come in all varieties, from pole transfer ...

Bad Poles Part II: How to Avoid Owning Them

As we previously discussed, it is possible for a company to assume ownership of "bad" utility poles. These "bad" assets are ...